I've an XTS object, x, and I've added a column which is the sum of the other columns:
shows me the sum for each row, along with the datestamp of that row. I.e. x$sum
is still an XTS object. Normally this is good, but I wanted it as a simple vector, without the dates associated. Here is how you do that:as.vector(x$sum)Why did I want that? Simply because
uses up 7 lines, half of it being noise about the datestamps; summary(as.vector(x$sum))
is 2 lines, all signal, no noise.
Thanks very much! You've saved me lots of wasted time.
You just saved my day! After three hours of searching, I finally found an answer! Thank you for taking time and writing this.
More than 2 years on, and your "hardly worth it" comment is still helping! Many thanks - answered my question exactly!
Could you elaborate on the flipside of this. I have a date column and an "x". How to merge these and/or many more to XTS-
Lars, is "x" a vector/matrix? If so, use the xts constructor:
d = as.Date(1:5);v = 6:10
This creates an xts object with "1970-01-02 6" as the first row, "1970-01-06 10" as the 5th row.
Very informative article.Thank you author for posting this kind of article .
Both are really good,.
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